Serene Comfort

Experience unmatched tranquility at Windmill Ridge Restaurant & Lodging.

people sitting beside brown wooden table inside room
people sitting beside brown wooden table inside room
man in white button up shirt holding black and white box
man in white button up shirt holding black and white box
photo of pub set in room during daytime
photo of pub set in room during daytime
white painted building
white painted building
people sitting in front of table talking and eating
people sitting in front of table talking and eating
brown-themed bar
brown-themed bar

Windmill Ridge offers unparalleled comfort and tranquility, making every visit a truly memorable experience.

Sarah J.

black leather chairs
black leather chairs
person taking picture inside of restaurant
person taking picture inside of restaurant


Discover Serenity at Windmill Ridge

At Windmill Ridge Restaurant & Lodging, we provide unparalleled comfort and tranquility, ensuring a unique experience that rejuvenates your spirit and creates lasting memories.

people sitting inside cafe
people sitting inside cafe
A perfect escape for relaxation and comfort.

Happy Guest
